
We will walk through Subscriptions. It is the same for In App products.

  1. Go Subscription tab on your AppStore Connect account of your app. You will see it on left menu.
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  1. Create Subscription Group.
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  1. Create Subscription. For every Subscription (Weekly,Monthly,Yearly) we want to have seperate item. For id of subscription we are recommended to use such formula “yourApp_duration_price” For ex. “wally_1w_299” This is unique id which we will use then on RevenueCat Dashboard and in our app directly. So i recommend to think about it and save it.
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  1. On Subscription page we are filling data about Subscription as Duration, Localization, Pricing and Screenshot of paywall. It is needed for easier review of your app. I believe sometimes reviewer does not look directly to your paywall in app, he just looks at your screenshot, so do not forget to upgrade it, when you change paywall.

💡 Do not forget to add “Restore” button on your paywall, it is common reject from Apple.

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  1. Create App on RevenueCat console Here we will need walk through flow.
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  1. Get Shared App Secret from AppStore Connect
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  1. Get In App Key from Integrations Tab in AppStore Connect
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  1. Add Your Products. Id should be exactly as it is on AppStore side.
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  1. Go to Cloud console and click “IAM Admin” => click Service Account

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  1. Click Create Service Account.
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  1. Write a unique name and continue and second step add these two roles.
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Pub/Sub Admin — this enables Platform Server Notifications Monitoring Viewer — this allows monitoring of the notification queue Continue and save.

  1. After that at the right tab, create a new Key and download the Key.
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  1. Open Play Console And Grant Financial Access Go to your play console dashboard and click Api Access => Click Service accounts manage play console permissions.
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  1. Click App Users and Permissions, select your app.
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  1. Create in app products on PlayConsole Side
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  1. Add product to Android app in RevenueCat. As we did it for IOS.

  2. Add items to Play Console as we did it for IOS

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💡 For Android it takes time before you can see it on device. It can take more than a day. For IOS it works almost immidiately, it already should work in Sandox mode, so you can test it as you want.