Adding the AdMob app

  1. Head over to the AdMob homepage and sign up for an account
  2. Go to the dashboard and click Apps on the left-side menu
  3. Next, click Add App and select Android as the platform
  4. If your app is not published yet, select No for Is the app listed on a supported app store? and then click Continue
  5. Enter the App Name and click ADD APP
  6. Click Done
  7. Repeat the same process for an iOS app
Hero Light

Creating AdUnits

The kind of advertisement presented is determined by the ad unit. You should create ad units for each type of ad that you plan to have in your app.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Click Apps on the left-side menu and then select your app
  2. Click the ADD AD UNIT button
  3. Select the type of ad (e.g Banner)
  4. Enter the Ad unit name, click Create ad unit, and then select Done
  5. Similarly, create an ad unit for the Interstitial and Rewarded ads. While creating the rewarded ads, be sure to keep the default settings
  6. Finally, create Ad units for the iOS app as well
Hero Light

Android Specific Setup

Update your AndroidManifest.xml Add your AdMob App ID to your app’s AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the ‘meta-data’ tag shown below. You can find your App ID in the AdMob UI. For android:value insert your own AdMob App ID in quotes, as shown below.

You can use these test App ID’s from Admob for development:

android: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713
iOS: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~1458002511

iOS Specific Setup

Update your Info.plist per Firebase instructions.


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